Stop! Hammer time! Whether you’re doing the Hammer Dance or practicing your jetés, it’s always worth taking a break to dance. A dancing academy like the Dance Connection is a great way to learn various styles of dance. The Dance Connection has a variety of classes in several different levels, so there is something for everyone from tots to adults.

The Angelina Ballerina Academy lays the foundation of dance for youths who are ages three to five (or ages three to six during the summer camp). This dancing academy promotes movement and health and teaches the fundamentals of ballet to young children.

What dancing academy would be complete without fun, themed classes which provide entertainment and education to young dancers. The Fairy Princess class, for example, teaches ballet and tap to girls who are three and a half to four years old by using a fun, fairy theme. Other themed classes include the Broadway Star Combo which includes jazz & tap for K through 1st grade students, and the Animal Dancers class for children ages three to four.

The Dance Connection also offers classes that progress by skill and age. There are several styles of dance to choose from. Tap, Hip Hop, Jazz, and Ballet all start with a level one class with a series of classes following. Advanced classes, like Advanced Jazz, are also options for dancers who are old enough and experienced enough. By utilizing a progression of classes, the Dance Connection can break skills down to match not only the dancer’s experience level, but also their age and associated factors.

You can’t have a dancing academy without ballet. As students advance through the ballet courses, there are some technique-specific classes that can be taken. Leaps and Turns is an example of such a class. This course requires students to have taken Ballet 4/5 as a prerequisite. A couple levels later they also offer Ballet 7/8 with Pointe as well as Barre/Pointe 7/8. This allows students to focus on more difficult skills once the proper foundation has been laid. After all, no one shows up to day one of Ballet 1 and puts on pointe shoes!

Let’s not forget the adults! The Dance Connection also has classes for adults, ranging from beginning to advanced. Ballet, Tap, and Hip Hop are all offered at adult levels, although other workshops are offered as available. There’s no reason not to dance just because you’re not a child. Whether you’ve danced your whole life, danced years ago, or have never studied dance, the Dance Connection has something for you.

With so much to offer, the Dance Connection has a class for everyone, from tots to adults. Take a look at the schedule and see what appeals to you! Don’t miss out on all the options at this dancing academy!