Hillsborough, New Jersey is fortunate to have such a premier dance studio as The Dance Connection within its community. Children who enroll in dance lessons learn about more than just dance technique and performance. The dance instructors at The Dance Connection are dedicated to helping children to develop positive images of themselves and the world around them.

Encouraging Positive Growth

Children who are actively enrolled in lessons in a dance studio, like The Dance Connection, are more likely to develop a more positive self image than children who do not participate in extra curricular activities. Dance is an activity that allows children to have fun while tracking progress. It is not unlikely that dance beginners can become easily frustrated with themselves. Anyone who is trying to learn something new is expected to make mistakes and struggle at first. A child’s very first dance lesson may have the same results. However, with continued practice and under the guidance of highly talented dance instructors, children can begin to fully develop their talent for dance. The dance studio at The Dance Connection is the perfect place for young children to begin an adventure in learning many different genres of dance including jazz, hip hop, tap and ballet. Instructors at The Dance Connection encourage positive growth and assist children in gaining the skills required for them to not only succeed as performers but as individuals.

Lasting Friendships

Being involved in lessons at a dance studio will help children to develop strong relationships with dance instructors and classmates. Children can benefit from long-lasting friendships with others who enjoy the art of dance. These friendships help to encourage children to stay positive as they continue to further their dance education. Friends help to boost a child’s self esteem by providing them with positive reinforcement and constructive criticism. At times, friendships within the dance studio help to provide children with healthy competition. The desire to perform better and learn more challenging dance techniques can be driven by a child’s need to do as well as or better than their peers. The instructors at The Dance Connection encourage a healthy sense of competition without allowing children to badger or criticize their peers in a way that can be harmful to their feelings of self worth. Instead, we encourage children to learn from each other and provide positive influence to their classmates. Most often, children who continue their dance education will build lasting friendships with peers of similar age due to continued placement in the same dance classes within the curriculum of the dance studio.

Healthy Bodies

Dancing is a wonderful activity and exercise. Children starting dance at an early age will experience happy, healthy lives throughout their dance education. Instructors at The Dance Connection help to encourage healthy diets and continued exercise in and out of the dance studio. By taking dance lessons, children will remain physically active and develop positive exercising habits. Children will gain a positive body image and a boost in self esteem as they grow. In and out of the dance studio, children will show a healthy sense of respect for themselves and their bodies.