Every parent wants the best for their children, and dance classes are a great way to teach your child structure and patience while encouraging their creativity. Dance is also a great way to incorporate movement and fitness into your child’s life while helping them meet new friends!

With a variety of dancing classes for every age and experience level, the Dance Connection’s dance classes offer structure in an often unstructured world. Like any art, dance requires practice in order to improve. Students will never get bored, because as skills are mastered there is always something more to learn. The regular practice necessary for improvement and the forward movement of skill building will help students feel better grounded and able to deal with challenges as they arise.

Patience is also developed with dance classes. Mistakes are a part of life, and often fixing them requires the patience to step back, analyze the situation, and do what it takes to remedy it. In dance, mistakes generally result in more practice. The patience dancers develop to try again and again until they perfect a technique or dance eventually pays off. The feeling of accomplishment felt when a dancer masters a challenging technique re-enforces the worth of the patience they developed.

Dance isn’t just hard work though. Dance classes offer an opportunity to use and further develop creativity. Whether choreographing a dance or adding flair into something already choreographed, dancers rely on creativity as much as any other artist. Like the other benefits to dance, this has real life benefits as well. Creative thinkers tend to be more successful in their chosen careers.

Fitness is increasingly important in this day and age. With easier access to unhealthy foods than ever before, maintaining some sort of exercise program is a necessity. Dancing is certainly more fun than going to the gym to lift some weights and run on a treadmill, and it has the benefit of increasing coordination and body awareness.
There is a social component to dance as well. Classes allow interaction and bonding between students. Whether you attend classes with an old friend or meet new friends, you can bond over the love of the arts and the challenge of a particular move. Teamwork and friendship are both important parts of social interaction, and both are incorporated in group dance classes.

There are so many benefits to dance! From the skills developed to the health benefits and making new friends, there are lots of reasons to take a class. Call now and arrange for your spot on one of The Dance Connection’s numerous dance classes!